Macauley & Associates Consulting Inc.

Macauley & Associates Consulting Inc.


Key Personnel



742 Hampshire Road


 George Macauley


Victoria, BC Canada V8S 4S4

·   George is a trained economist and lawyer

·   George has consulted to the BC provincial government and private industry since 1991 in relation to oil and gas (economic), procurement (fairness), court services and justice transformation (economic), aboriginal affairs (Canada/BC cost sharing, land and resource, negotiation support), forests (economic, policy, GIS), gaming (economic) and general policy development

·   George has a long involvement with development of applications using Oracle (since 1990) and in financial/economic modeling











(250) 812-8148


















George Macauley’s ResuméEnergy FocusProcurement Focus













·   Download our Excel Workbook to view British Columbia natural gas drilling and production information by well from data publicly available from the BC Oil and Gas Commission Website.

   BCOGC Viewer  Large File (>60 MB) so allow time to load)









   New Release – July10, 2018



·   View our Excel-based corporate records system that enables users to enter information about their corporations into an Excel sheet, store the data in a Microsoft(TM) Access database file and produce both annual and transactional documents in PDF format with relative ease    Go to


Public Project Samples – Most projects are confidential


·   Review of the Port Alberni Forest Industry - Report and Appendix



Updated 22-JUL-2018